We've been here for three weeks now at our little corner of paradise in Finland. How we came to be here is a bit of a story, which I will expand on at a later date. I will also write more about what has happened this year when we return to England, as the computer we have in Finland is old and wheezes like a person with chronic emphysema.
But, today a chap turned up with a map and asked to park on our land. As we continued to talk, he informed us that the farmer that owns the surrounding land of our paradise, wants to chop lots of the forest down. The visitor rubbed his fingers together and said, 'It's all about money.' He also suggested we buy the land ourselves. I think this has come from the farmer as he tried the same thing with me last year. The visitor, Juha, looked at the map and told us it would cost about 40,000euro - which we don't have.
One of the reasons I love it here is for the peace and the nature, even having previously been a 'city girl'. I am happy for hours sat outside and watching everything being 'busy'. The birds, insects and animals going about their daily business of feeding their young, themselves, looking for shelter or a mate. As more forest gets decimated, where will they go? Or will they die? I don't want this to happen. I have no idea if we have anything rare here; but that is not the point. I don't want this spoiled.
In future, I'm hoping to expand on this blog with pictures and anecdotes of the time we spend here and the people we meet. I'm also thinking of starting to ask for donations to go towards buying the farmer out and just leaving the forest to be itself. I can't afford to do this on my own and maybe, one day, this blog will be read by people worldwide who want to help. Think about it - if 40,000 people read this and each gave their equivalent of 1 euro - that would be the forest saved. 40,000 people is not a lot in the big wide world.
I ask that if you read this, you ask a friend or two to also look, who could ask more friends and so on.And wouldn't it be cool if you knew you'd helped save wildlife from the grabbing hands of greedy people.
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